Always Improving So You Love Where You Live!
July 10, 2017
July 10, 2017
June 11, 2015
The average “urban” apartment is 982 square feet. Legally, some cities require a minimum size. In Paris it’s 29.52 square feet…we aren’t kidding. So, when living in a smaller space than a single family home, how do you get the most out of less space? (more…)
May 20, 2015
There are plenty creative ways you can decorate your apartment to “spruce it up”, make it more “open” and “fun” and you can do it on a budget! Here are 5 ideas. If you have any of your own, share them with us! Floating Hangers Not enough space in your... Read More
May 15, 2015
We all want to save a little cash here and there. We know it’s hard to do…living paycheck to paycheck. But, there are things you can cut, small things that can save you cash and give you more to either put away in the bank or spend on a night... Read More
December 6, 2013
Are you prepared to be safe over the holidays and the long winter season? We have compiled some great tips for you to follow to be sure your apartment says “Safety First!” (more…)